028: How To Make Impact A Way of Life, Not Just a Business Strategy with Kristoffer Carter

We usually chat with people after their first launch - so we can get that story of what happened, how they felt, what they changed up going forward… but this time, I there was no need to time travel or dig into the archives. Kristoffer Carter has been working like a madman behind the scenes of some of the most important creators online. I got to know him last year when we joined forces to support our dear friend Jonathan Fields launch Revolution U and then again as faculty members in Jonathan’s intense, life changing GLP Immersion program.  But today - it’s all about Krissy.  Here’s just a peek at what we get into on this episode: Who is responsible for me meeting Kristoffer Carter?
 What he realized about launching from releasing his manifesto The Framework?
 How his day job responded to the launch of his manifesto...
 What personal practices help him prepare for launches (his own and other people’s)?
 What the heck is he unleashing to the world THIS week?
 We also dive into many topics that show how he lives his life from top to bottom - with a mission to be completely integrated, always practice radical introspection, and to make it his duty to have fun and rally people to have the best experience EVER. Visit the show notes page to get all the resources and peeps we mentioned during the show over at: http://www.annesamoilov.com/show

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