014 How To Launch Your First Book and Run A Multi-layered Biz (At the same time)
Today’s episode features Hilary Rushford - style blogger, stylist, and now entrepreneurial guide + strategist...and author! This lovely has so much energy and insight to give, even seasoned business owners have something to learn here. What I think I like most about Hilary is her story and how real it is--the journey of discovering the corporate life was not for her and how she went on a mega self-learning business school pilgrimage to figure it all out. She's driven, smart, and really funny too! Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode: How to and how to NOT launch a book How far in advance did Hilary started prepping for the launch The exact launch team that evolved during the launch + who she wishes she would’ve hired first Why she chose to do an interview series + a blog tour as her prelaunch content What she’d do differently if she could do it again The types of products she sells + how she manages to serve two often different audiences And...we crack the case and share our favorite brands (clothes, people) and why