Episode 6- Strength Coach Podcast
Brought to You by Perform Better
Highlights of Episode 6
The Coach's Corner with Coach Boyle
Interview with Coach Boyle about
**What's new at StrengthCoach.com
**Forum Hot Topics- His take on:
-The Myth of Core Stability
-Jump Squats
-Glute Activation
-Rest Periods for Plyometrics
Sign Up Now for The Michael Boyle Strength & Conditioning
Winter Seminar on January 26 in Winchester, MA
Only $99!!
Check Out Coach Boyle's Newest DVD

Jamie Harvie joins us to answer your questions.
This week he gives us the lowdown on the differences between Medicine Balls.
If you have a question for the experts at Perform Better you can send them to
Hit the Gym with the Strength Coach
Eric Cressey, Owner of Cressey Performance
Co-Author of Magnificent Mobility, Building The Efficient Athlete
and The Ultimate Off-Season Training Manual
Eric goes over
**Versatility in Programming- How to Get a Training Effect in Spite
of Common Injuries
**The Mistakes Trainers Make When Training Shoulders
**His 9 Point Checklist When Looking at Shoulder Health
**His latest work with common low back injuries
Performance Nutrition Tips
This Episode's Nutrition Expert:
Dr. John Berardi
President and Nutrition Director of
Precision Nutrition
This Week's Tip:
Dr. Berardi talks about Supplementation
"Ask Gray Cook"
Gray Cook Answers questions about his methods posted on the StrengthCoach.com Forum
This episode, Gray answers the question:
"Why does Shirley Sahrmann encourage elevated shoulders when we lift our arms above our heads, but Gray and Brett call it the 'bad position" in "Secrets of the Shoulder"? Lifting and keeping shoulders depressed is "scapula depression syndrome" in Sahrmann's book."
Check out Gray's Website, FunctionalMovement.com
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