Episode 3- Strength Coach Podcast
Brought to you by Perform Better
Highlights of Episode 3
The Coach's Corner with Coach Boyle
Interview with Coach Boyle about
**What's new at StrengthCoach.com
**Forum Hot Topics- His take on:
Overhead Pressing and the Athlete,
Training Post-Broken Bones, Energy System Work Ratios
Check Out Coach Boyle's Newest DVDs
Ask the Equipment Experts at Perform Better
Jacob Guajardo joins us to answer your questions.
This week he explains the difference between exercise bikes, featuring the Keiser M3.
If you have a question for the experts at Perform Better you can send them to
Hit the Gym with the Strength Coach
Sean Hayes, Strength & Conditioning Coach
of the Buffalo Bills
Sean will go over:
**In season programming
**How he structures his workouts
**How he separates workouts by position
**Guidelines for nutrition
Check out the equipment Sean uses and talks about in the interview:
Tri Stretch Reebok Core Board
New Segment!! Performance Nutrition Tips
This Episode's Nutrition Expert:
Amanda Carlson
Director of Performance Nutrition and Research
at Athletes' Performance
Interview with Amanda about
Pre, During and Post-Workout Nutrition
Ask Gray Cook
Gray Cook answers your questions from the StrengthCoach.com forum.
This week Gray answers the question:
"With the ASLR test, how come I haven't heard much/any talk about using a small towel/hand placement in the lumbar spine to possibly show a more true hamstring length test as opposed to people who may get extra ROM from the lumbar spine during the test?"
If you use the FMS, you don't want to miss his answer!
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Category: podcasts -- posted at: 5:20 PM