Episode 2- Strength Coach Podcast

Brought to You by Perform Better

Highlights of Episode 2
The Coach's Corner with Coach Boyle

Interview with Coach Boyle about
**What's new at StrengthCoach.com
**Forum Hot Topics- His take on: Foot Quickness, Heart Rate Training
and Internal/External Rotation

**His Newest DVDs

Ask the Equipment Experts at Perform Better

Erin McGirr joins us to answer your questions
This week she explains the difference between the Slide Boards.
If you have a question for the experts at Perform Better you can send them to

Hit the Gym with the Strength Coach

Shawn Windle, Strength & Conditioning Coach
of the Indiana Pacers.Shawn will go over:
**In season programming
**How he structures his workouts
**How common injuries in basketball affect his programming
**When he even has a chance to work out the team

Ask Gray Cook

Gray Cook answers your questions from the StrengthCoach.com forum
This week Gray answers the question:
"Since most people fail the rotary stability test. What sort of progressions & exercises do you prescribe besides side pillars?"
If you use the FMS, you don't want to miss it!

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