How Your Boutique Can Serve and Save
In This Episode: Hey, happy thanksgiving all.Kenya gives tips and her life experience on starting a business. She also has a book coming out. Akilah speaks to Kenya about allowing your business to grow organically and according to the will of your audience. The conversation only get better from there on. This episode will teach you how to not just think about your business as just an ordinary business, but also as a way to serve your audience and deepen your relationship with them. We even get an extra special something from Kenya at the end of this episode. This episode will give you one more thing to add to your laundry list of things to be thankful for this year. We know you'll enjoy this. What You’ll Learn: How to go from a brick and mortar to an online boutique How to balance multiple gigs How to figure out who is your actual client Why your business is important How to serve and sale Quote "FIND A WAY OR MAKE ONE."- Clarke University Motto How to find Main Website: a Facebook: a Instagram: @theestyleicon a @shop1323 Twitter: @theestyleicon a @shop1323 Pinterest: @shop1323 Fall Style Guide: