#16 Talking About Sex With Your Kids With Gina Lepore and Valarie Moselle

Remember your first conversation about sex as a young person? Did it go something like, Don’t do it or you will get pregnant, Wait until marriage, or perhaps a mention of the birds and the bees?
What if you had received a more comprehensive education about sex as you moved through adolescence? How would your sexual journey have unfolded had you been given the tools to explore your sexuality free of shame and with the support of your most trusted educators - your parents?
In this episode Gina and Amy talk about their upcoming workshop, Let's Talk About Sex, where parents become allies for their teenagers as they learn about their sexuality, breaking through the intimidating yet IMPORTANT conversations around sexual health and pleasure.
The next workshop offering is Saturday, Sept 30th and Saturday, Oct 7th, 2017 (participants are required to attend both days) at Luma Yoga Studio in Santa Cruz, CA.
Visit Valarie's studio at www.lumayoga.com for more info.

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