A man attempting to solve a strange gap in his memory meets a man claiming to offer an answer--one too frightening for mere mortals to grasp. When I was younger, I loved adapting stories I’d read into radio plays or short films or long monologues, but the results just grew old in a drawer, because there was always the spectre that these projects were based on someone else’s original work and there would certainly be much ceasing and desisting and legal threats. These days especially, everyone seems to be circling the wagons with the things they create, demanding payment and putting up No Trespassing signs around every word, every idea. The stories of the Knifepoint Horror podcast, though, are presented through a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, making them essentially anyone's to experiment with however they want without having to ask permission or pay anything for their use. As long as the source is credited, you can freely copy, adapt or remix them and share what you come up with anywhere you like. Just have fun pushing your imagination to its limits; you may find, as I have, that it always beats thinking about intellectual property rights, trademarks, and royalties. - S.N.