02: Use Social Media To Manifest A Lifestyle That You Want, Wellness Blogging, Getting Unstuck, Being Unstoppable - JULES HUNT of @omandthecity

Jules Hunt of @omandthecity is a rare gem. Having had to deal with being unhappy in a fashion job and wanting to delete her blog because she felt like she wasn’t making an impact, she’s become an expert on getting “unstuck”. That led her to create Om And The City, one of the fastest growing mindful lifestyle platforms, and landing partnerships with Allbirds, Athleta and Whole Foods. In this episode, we discuss: THE BUSINESS OF SOCIAL MEDIA What does a wellness blogger actually do How to run a profitable wellness blog in the oversaturated world of Instagram (it’s not too late to enter the game) Getting compensated for your time, energy and art as a blogger Creating sponsored content in a genuine way Using social media to manifest a lifestyle that you want   EXPANSION Getting unstuck and finding your “om”   CONFIDENCE  Not letting opinions stop you   FUN FACT   You’ll never believe what Jules’ first YouTube channel was dedicated to!   STRATEGY The importance of having a plan when you quit something From working in fashion to finding the courage to do what she loves through staying true to herself How to give your community what they want while fulfilling your needs How to set healthy boundaries between growing your personal brand and having personal life Strategy VS intuition   PRODUCTIVITY The power of monotasking   SOCIAL MEDIA  A 4-year relationship that started in 8th grade thanks to AIM messenger The most important lesson social media has taught Jules   SELF-CARE The power of morning and evening routines   QUOTABLES: “Once you find your core and your center by asking yourself the tough questions, the rest unfolds around you.” “More things don’t necessarily make you happier.” “Sometimes you need that kick out the door to keep moving and set on the path that you’re meant to be on.”   *** If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review the podcast - it helps other people discover it, get inspired and get in action! If you share the screenshots the episode you’re listening to on Instagram Stories and tag @wokeandwired so we can connect.

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