Night Owl Update and Announcement - Dec 2020

Dear Night Owls, I know we don’t have an episode for you quite yet, but we wanted to take time to wish you all a happy holiday season and let our local Austinites know about our upcoming Holiday Spirits event on December 19th. Due to the challenging new times, ticket sales have been unexpectedly low, so we need to sell 40 more tickets to this event before this Sunday, December 6th to make the event possible. Being candid here, I’m struggling to keep the show going during this pandemic. I’ve pushed myself hard to maintain the show as best as I could, but investigating during these times is far more challenging with a lot more obstacles and to be quite honest, it’s been hard to figure out a quality way to record new investigative episodes during this time. Also, the mental and physical tax that this pandemic has had on me personally, outside of the show, is something I can’t simply keep ignoring. So, I wanted to personally address all you awesome Night Owls who have and continue to be such loyal supporters of the show, and say thank you for sticking with us and being understanding of this challenging time.The show is going to make it, I just need a little more time to figure out best new practices in this new normal, as well as some time for self-care. Please, if you’re around the Austin area, I encourage you to grab your tickets to Holiday Spirits before this Sunday Dec 6th, and help make this event possible to support our show during this challenging time. You’ll also be supporting Pioneer Farms, local artisans and businesses and food trucks by coming out. Not to mention our team members Alexis and Sara will both have booth sphere for their own practices, City Alchemist and Metaphysicalu, so you can visit with them and say hi from a distance! Also, we still need volunteers as well so if you’d like to donate your time and come help the night owl team out, reach out to us at thenightowlpodcast@gmail.comVisit for tickets. Happy haunted holiday everyone, and we’ll be back soon! Stick with us, stay tuned, and most of all...stay restless. Stephen Belyeu & The Night Owl Team

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