EP10: Big Predictions for Tax Resolution Marketing in 2021
On the Tax Resolution Practice Trends Podcast, Michael Rozbruch shares with you his secret systems and strategies that made him a pioneer in the tax resolution business and helped him generate over 100 MILLION DOLLARS in revenue in fourteen years! In this episode, let’s find out the big predictions for tax resolution marketing in 2021. Are you ready for the tsunami of new tax resolution cases coming your way now until 2021? The economic devastation caused by COVID-19 led to a big prediction that twenty-five to thirty-three percent of your current clients are going to have an IRS problem. Wouldn't it be nice to have the right tools to resolve these cases and serve as an opportunity to get new cases? Here are the key areas we covered in this episode: The most significant prediction in the tax resolution industry — something you probably never expected prior to COVID-19! Loved this episode? Own the step-by-step blueprint for getting more pay-in-advance, high-value tax resolution clients than you ever thought possible! Check out the Tax Resolution Domination System a Toolkit that includes a complete business system that bolts-on to any sized tax, accounting, or law practice… and one where most of the work is already done for you! 5 Surefire Steps for Attracting a Retaining A Continuous Flow of Pay in Advance IRS Tax Problem Clients Every Month. SAVE YOUR SPOT NOW! https://www.rozstrategies.com/live-training/