EP6: IRS Audit Process For Tax Resolution Professionals
IRS Audit Process For Tax Resolution Businesses In today’s video I want to share with you the IRS Audit Process. It's no secret that the IRS is auditing less and less income tax returns. But let's say one of your clients does get audited. Here's what you need to do. Number one is you need to get retained on that case. Because if your client goes to the IRS themselves, that's akin to going to court without a lawyer. Tune in to the full video to learn more. About Michael Rozbruch Michael Rozbruch, CPA and Certified Tax Resolution Specialist, a pioneer in the tax resolution industry, has a proven “in-the-trenches” track record as evidenced by accumulating 168 months over month consecutive revenue growth culminating in $23 million in revenue in just one year alone. 5 Surefire Steps for Attracting a Retaining A Continuous Flow of Pay in Advance IRS Tax Problem Clients Every Month. SAVE YOUR SPOT NOW! https://www.rozstrategies.com/live-training/ OTHER RESOURCES THAT YOU MIGHT FIND HELPFUL: EVERY IRS COLLECTION CASE HAS 3 WORK PHASES - https://www.rozstrategies.com/irs-collection-case-3-work-phases/ CHARGING FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES FOR TAX RESOLUTION https://www.rozstrategies.com/charging-for-additional-services-for-tax-resolution/ DO YOU CHEAT ON YOUR TAXES? | VENICE BEACH, TAX MAN ON THE STREET https://www.rozstrategies.com/do-you-cheat-on-your-taxes-venice-beach-tax-man-on-the-street/ LEARN HOW TO BUILD A HIGHLY PROFITABLE TAX RESOLUTION PRACTICE https://www.rozstrategies.com/ TAX RESOLUTION LIVE EVENT IN NEW ORLEANS https://www.rozstrategies.com/NOLA