EP4: Effective Sales Techniques For Tax Resolution Businesses
Michael Rozbruch grew his business from a dining room table to doing one hundred and sixty-eight consecutive month over month increased deposits in his bank account? That's 14 years that culminated in doing $23 million in one year alone solely from representing IRS clients. In this week’s episode, you’ll learn about the effective sales strategy that made his tax resolution business even more successful. He came up with a proven and reliable high-ticket sales strategy that's made up of four different phases. The first phase is meet. The second phase is probe. The third phase is prescribe. The fourth phase is close. Tune in to the full episode to learn more. About Michael Rozbruch Michael Rozbruch, CPA and Certified Tax Resolution Specialist, a pioneer in the tax resolution industry, has a proven “in-the-trenches” track record as evidenced by accumulating 168 months over month consecutive revenue growth culminating in $23 million in revenue in just one year alone. 5 Surefire Steps for Attracting a Retaining A Continuous Flow of Pay in Advance IRS Tax Problem Clients Every Month. SAVE YOUR SPOT NOW! https://www.rozstrategies.com/live-training/