65: Research, Discover And Implement The Right Tech Tools To Grow Your Shopify Brand
My guest on today’s episode is Derric Haynie, the founder of EcommerceTech, where he works to connect Shopify merchants with the right tech tools and partners to grow their stores. We talk about necessary ecommerce tech stacks, the process to vet software vendors, and how to successfully roll out new tools for your Shopify brand. What You Will Learn Today… Expectations and considerations when implementing a new tech tool for your Shopify business. How to save countless hours in boring demos and confusing trials. Links And Resources Mentioned In This Episode EcommerceTech Free Consultation Operational Excellence Before Black Friday Fenix Commerce Delm.io Carro Segments Gorgias Thank You For Listening I really appreciate you choosing to listen to the show and for supporting the podcast. If you enjoyed today’s show, please share it using the social media buttons on this page. I would also be so grateful if you would consider taking a minute or two to leave an honest review and rating for the show in iTunes. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to reaching our audience and I read each and every one personally! New Strategies Each Week To Help You Build And Scale Lifetime Customer Loyalty. SUBSCRIBE HERE! Being an entrepreneur is a life of learning. All it would take is a new idea, strategy, Shopify app, or marketing platform to be the next thing you need to drive more revenue and lifetime loyalty for your Shopify store. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify. Don’t miss a single episode! Episode Sponsor This episode is brought to you by Carro, an incredibly powerful Shopify App. Carro is a Shopify app that discovers all the influencers, press, and media that already love your brand. Whether they’re your brand’s customers, email subscribers, or fans, Carro will reveal all the influential people with a connection to your brand. If an influencer with a million followers bought from your brand, would you know about it? Discover all of your influencers for free with Carro, available in the Shopify App Store! See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.