171: This is How Gym Owners Can Get FREE Marketing (and Profit More) | The GSD Show with Mike Arce
His gym currently pulls in $140K+ in monthly recurring revenue! As his Loud Rumor Account Manager, Alexa Zimmerman details how Mark does it and the 4 reasons his Marketing is FREE each month: #1: Spend More (might sound counterproductive, but listen in around 12:40) #2: Offer “FREE” (give people a taste of what you do: 20:44) #3: Follow a Proven Sales Process (how this gym signed 86 members in one month: 30:30) #4: Get “Qualified” Leads Not “Quality” Leads (this is critical: 33:29) Alexa also dives into which platform your gym should advertise on, how, and how much to spend to go beyond “breaking even” and start profiting. The data you’re able to collect at your gym, and through advertising, allows you to duplicate your best members over and over again. In other words, the members who are most loyal, wear your gear outside of your studio, brag about you, and spend way more than just their monthly membership dues… that’s who you want to attract through advertising, get referrals from, and sign up daily! ???? FREE DOWNLOADS: ???? Referral Script: loudrumor.com/referral-script Sales Script: loudrumor.com/brandon-play