127: What Makes the Top 5% of Fitness Studios So Successful | The GSD Show with Mike Arce
...you have to be one-of-a-kind. “You want it to be so difficult for your competitors to do what you’re doing that by the time they do, you’re already on to the next big idea.” One of the ways Mike’s done this is through Loud Rumor Virtual Training (whatislrvt.com). Here, fitness studio owners can learn the in’s and out’s of every aspect of their business, not just from Mike, but from fitness industry experts from across the world. “It’s a platform unlike any other and no one else is doing it this way.” Mike also dives into how to stand out in a saturated market, why boutique fitness studios are no longer competing with big-box gyms (because they’re now in a separate space), and how community can grow the individual. “You need mentors and success partners in order to grow and win. B-players count points, A-players count wins.” This is an incredible episode from start to finish and thank you so much to Stu and WTF?! Gym Talk for having Mike on and helping us connect with more fitness studios. Enjoy!