In the beginning, there were women
The value of having women in technology means that we have a more diverse opinion, a different angle, a different perspective on problems, and how we find solutions. We can be more innovative if we have diversification in our ideas and in how we build technology. A strategic focus for us is to establish communities that support women in tech to create these changes.
References in this getWITit Podcasts episode:
Angela Lopez Elizabeth Tolia getWITit getWITit PodcastsAgile Software Development - contact Elizabeth Tolia Kristen Smith Pillar Technologies Code Mesh Grace Hopper National Conference Dan Greenleaf Ben Blanquera Techlife Columbus Agile Lunchbox Angelo Mazzocco COHAA CoverMyMeds COSI Kathy Gibson Chemical Abstracts Google Cloud Nationwide ChaseHidden Figures The Girls of Atomic City ENIAC Code Girls Lori Beere J.P. Morgan Chase Marie HicksProgrammed Inequality