1. Saturday Night Fever (1977)
WELCOME FRIENDS (because who else would roll the dice on a new podcast?)! In the inaugural episode of FULL CAST a CREW your hosts, Jason and Chris, examine SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER, the sociologically rich 1977 examination of tribalism and masculinity that's been reduced in the popular imagination to kitschy music and a funny suit. We go past its star turn by John Travolta to talk about the music, other actors, the video game that came from it, a show called ANGIE, and much, much more! Subscribe for new episodes every Wednesday and let us know what you like, don't like, want to hear about, how you're doing, wanna do this weekend, etc. E-mail: fullcastandcrewpod@gmail.com Twitter: @fullcastandcrew Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fullcastandcrew/ Instagram: I can't figure this one out.