Is Your Smell Down There Normal or Could It Be Bacterial Vaginosis? Ep. 63
'A' got a surprising diagnosis that threatens her reputation with her lovers...A bad smelling vagina can totally happen to you, but let's talk about it, so you don't feel ashamed, and you know what to do when it happens to you. How the common medical recommendation of "have less sexual partners" just won't cut it anymore for the modern woman! And guys, as awkward as this might sound, you want to listen up, because the more you know about vaginas, the better you'll be able to love them. Show Notes Bacterial vaginosis is caused by E. coli in your vagina (07:00) The mouth also carries the E. coli bacteria (07:51) What are the popular themes and stigma surrounding female problems? (09:05) Can you get bacterial infections without being sexually active? (09:21) Bacterial vaginosis is NOT an STD and one of the major contributors is actually nylon underwear (11:30) What is the “Boric acid trick”? (16:20) Vaginal problems can happen in times of high stress because the nervous system is tied to the lymphatic system (18:43) How can your period and sexual intercourse change the normal pH of your vagina? (20:00) The still ever-present overwhelming and subversive advice that less sexual partners means you won’t get vaginal problems (20:55) Did you know that men can get a pill to kill yeast that they might be carrying to their partners? (22:10) (the pill mentioned is Diflucan) Relevant Links & FULL Show Notes HERE: