Prostitution: Should We Legalize? Part 2 with Dr. Melinda Chateauvert, EP.58
Part 2! Sorry for the audio with this half everyone, still working out tech difficulties. A bit of an echo but still AMAZING info so bear with us and keep listening! Thanks for your patience, and if you'd like to read the transcript instead, click here: T&A are very excited to talk with Dr. Mindy Chateauvert, historian and author of the book, 'Sex Workers Unite: A History of the Movement from Stonewall to Slutwalk' in part one of this two-part show. Sex worker's rights are a hotly debated topic and everyone seems to have an opinion about its possible legalization- but do we really know what we're talking about? Mindy answers all of our questions and gives us an incredibly educated and eye-opening account of all sides of the debate. Plus, A shares her experience from being in the industry and the girls talk about the damaging affects of America's 'Whorephobia' with Mindy (Mindy's term, we can't claim that one). See Dr. Melinda Chateuvert's work at and follow her @whorestorian