418 - Coin Concede "Show Down (in the Badlands)"
Edelweiss and Magesa hold down the fort with a big patch and the announcement of the new expansion, Showdown in the Badlands! After discussing the highlights of the patch, we break down all the new cards and mechanics, including cards Edelweiss is scared of, Magesa’s favorite meme card in Hearthstone so far, and our own spin on wildly speculating about Control Priest.
News – 23:41
- Patch 27.6 New expansion announcement!
- Discussion of balance windows
- Pre-release legendary and bundles
- Highlights of Twist, Battlegrounds, and Arena Updates
- Highlights of new features, bug fixes, known issues, and shop updates
Tournaments – 42:29
- Lobby Legends Results
- Solary Results
Decksplanations – 1:03:48
- Showdown in the Badlands!
- Theme and teasers
- Highlander is back
- Quickdraw keyword and cards
- Excavate keyword and cards
- RidiculousHat is in this expansion
The Show Notes for this week’s episode are on our Website
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