067: Guided by Voices - Bee Thousand (1994)
This week, Dan, Mike, and Rich take a break from the usual state-of-the-art Discord & Rhyme studio, dust off the four-track, and head down to the basement with a case of beer for a no-frills chat about Guided by Voices. After percolating as 37-year-old school teacher Robert Pollard’s side hustle for over a decade, GBV (as we refer to them for 99% of the episode) suddenly found themselves on the radar of hip indie-rock tastemakers. 1994’s Bee Thousand captures this turning point for the band with a gloriously messy patchwork of 20 home-recorded songs that incorporate influences of what Pollard calls the Four P’s of Rock: prog, psych, pop, and punk. Jam along with us to these lo-fi anthems, and try to not pull a muscle while imitating Pollard’s signature stage kicks. (Rated Explicit for occasional naughty language.)
Cohosts: Dan Watkins, Rich Bunnell, Mike DeFabio
Complete show notes: https://discordpod.com/listen/067-guided-by-voices-bee-thousand-1994
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