This Is Comp: Nuggets Disc 4, Tracks 16-23
We're nearly at the end! In this episode: the dreaded second return of the Sonics, a cover of "Open Up Your Door" by Will's dad, a proto-Fall song, and a baffling but very cool record company mistake. Early access to these episodes is available at
The Sonics - The Witch
The Electric Prunes - Get Me to the World on Time
The Other Half - Mr. Pharmacist
Richard and the Young Lions - Open Up Your Door
Paul Revere and the Raiders - Just Like Me
We the People - You Burn Me Up and Down
The Lemon Drops - I Live in the Springtime
Fenwyck - Mindrocker
Hear "Open Up Your Door" by the Lost Cause here:
Theme song based on "This Is Pop," written by Andy Partridge, with new lyrics by Adam Smith
Opening music: The Hector Collectors
Closing credits music: Kenneth Kraylie