Black Friday. A time of joy... love... and fist-fights over Tickle-Me-Elmos. Enjoy this original poem written by Curt Mega and performed by Curt and podcast favorite Kim Whalen about the holiday we all treasure so dearly... BLACK FRIDAY! 'TWAS THE DAY OF BLACK FRIDAY! By Curt Mega 'Twas the day of Black Friday, and all through the stores The isles were ransacked by barbarian hordes! There was rioting and raging and jealously fueled fights, As the TV’s were sold at a discounted price. The children were nestled at home in their beds, As their parents marched like an army of undead! The store employees stood there bracing for war, As the hordes descended upon the store! When out of isle 15 arose such a clatter, The manager of the store went to handle the matter. Two grown adults, in a fist fight, did clash! To finish their shopping whilst saving some cash. One pair of hands held a handful of hair, While the other swung wildly at the air! The manager tried to break up the quarrel. To fight over cameras was simply immoral! But the raging adults were too fast and too quick, And when he pulled them apart, they swung for his… groin. He sank to his knees, then on his face fell flat! Mustering the words “we have more in the back!” The onlooking crowd heard his whimpering words, Then stormed to the back as a stampeding herd! “Grab your weapons, this may get gory!” As the staff stood guard over the inventory. “Let us through” the crowd chanted “Or get ready to die!” “For we have deals to catch and presents to buy!” There was rage in their eyes and lust in the heart, As they itched to tear the whole store apart. Fearing for their life, the employees did flee, And the crowd pillaged the store in a frenzied glee. And on that day, discount presents were found That would be placed under trees all around town. Children would wake up in excited delight To see what Santa had brought them on Christmas-Eve night. Little did they know as they tore into their gifts, It was the greed of their parents that gave them their wish. The parents sipped coffee, a smile on their face, But deep down inside there were full of disgrace. Blood on their hands, swindled like schmucks! By a large cooperations to save a few bucks. So whatever the gift, whatever the season, Remember this lesson and remember the reason. It doesn’t have to be the newest and the latest.  True gifts come from heart, and those are the greatest. So on this day, as you fill up your cart, Be sure the Black in Friday isn’t the color of your heart.  

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