ZombieLand: Double Tap, Watchmen, Graveyard Fest
Mike, Chris and Justin visit Zombieland again and ask each other was it worth it? Before that they dive deep into the first episode of Watchmen and Chris talks all about his recent trip to Graveyard Fest at The Alamo Drafthouse in Houston. - Intro (00:00:00 - 00:09:58) - News on the March! (00:09:58 - 00:40:15) - Chris talks Graveyard Fest - Deep Dive into Watchmen - Zombieland: Double Tap Discussion (00:40:15 - 01:09:20) - SPOILERS FROM THE BEGINNING!!!! - Outro (01:09:20 - 01:10:00) Also, for all your movie and game news, reviews and more, check out our friends at www.cinelinx.com. Check out our friends over on the I Guess We're Watching podcast on Twitter! Follow us on: Twitter Facebook Instagram Email us at: casualcinemedia@gmail.com Talk Criterion Collection, film, tv and other stuff with us in our Facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/casualcinecast Intro/Outro Music courtesy of Jake Wagner-Russell at www.soundcloud.com/bopscotch