003: Over The Pinewood Hedges
All the latest Bond 25 news discussion. This episode of 'James Bond a Friends' is hosted by James Page with guests Calvin Dyson, Mark O'Connell, and David Leigh. We chat about the latest Bond 25 news including the new 'working title', Danny Boyle's reasons for departure, Norway, and electric cars. Calvin reports from the Q The Music concert and we also discuss the state of 007 merchandise and the potential for future Bond games. Along the way, we stumble upon fake title ideas, a Bond wedding, killing Funko Pops, and phallic swim shorts. The recording took place on March 21st, 2019 in the USA, UK, and Spain. James Page is a co-founder of MI6-HQ.com and the magazine MI6 Confidential Calvin Dyson can be found at youtube.com/calvindyson Mark O'Connell's home base is markoconnell.co.uk David Leigh runs thejamesbonddossier.com This podcast is copyright Pretitles LLC © 2019 Music credit 'Spy a Die' by Jay Man