#013: Gas Station Sales Lesson [Podcast]
I do this show to help you build the business you dream of and live the life you deserve. I show people like you how to start and grow an online business you'll love for less than $100. The economy doesn't dictate your fate, the politicians won't save your bacon, it's up to entrepreneurs like you and me! Start a business… save the world! In today's episode… I learned a lot from a sales pitch I got at a gas station. I'll tell you the story, and the valuable lesson (which will help you!) This Week's Tip Check out Goodreads a social network for book lovers. Feature Story: Gas Station Sales Lesson Here we are, in a time when a lot of people are being washed out of all kinds of businesses, online and offline. The excuse given is usually: “the economy”. I’ve addressed the use of those two words as excuse elsewhere. You see, the very qualities exemplified by a couple of gas station pitch-men are the same qualities that could save a lot of businesses from going under. Listen to the story – and learn! Listener Questions John Klein asks about how to test multiple landing page designs. Ohad wants examples of B2B copy for technical businesses. Ricky Breslin has comments on, and questions about, the book Secrets of Dynamic Communication by Ken Davis. Announcements Plugs for audio shout-outs, either MP3 or call in at (509) 713-2679 Plugs for hosting accounts using this link. Follow Ray on Twitter and friend Ray on Facebook SUBSCRIPTION LINKS You can find the podcast on Stitcher by clicking the logo: If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679 Question for you: How do you “hustle” in your business? Comment below, or call in at (509) 713-2679