#006: 7 Ways To Create Your Own Product In Less Than 24 Hours [Podcast]
EPISODE OUTLINE Welcome to our “product creation” episode! This time around I'll share rapid product creation methods you can use to create your own product in a day or less. Announcements If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. Plugs for audio shout-outs, either MP3 or call in at (509) 713-2679 Plugs for hosting accounts using this link. Free book promo for April; top 10 commentators Congrats on latest students – over 200 new students in WITS and PLATFORM! Follow Ray on Twitter and friend Ray on Facebook This Week's Bluehost Hosting Plug Thanks and congratulations to Wendell Saunders of WendellSaunders.com on his new website! This Week's Tip(s) Convert your old VHS tapes to digital with iMemories, and your old cassettes to digital with Southtree Spiritual Foundations God's grace looks like SUPPLY… “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19, NLT Feature Story: 7 Ways To Create Your Own Product In Less Than 24 Hours Product creation is easy! Writer: Type up a how-to. Interviewer: Interview an expert. Expert: Have someone interview you. Teacher: Teach something on video. Encourager: Make an audio recording. Researcher: Assemble information. Reporter: Document your experience. LISTENER QUESTIONS I answered questions from these listeners: Steve Hawk had nice things to say about me, Shel Horowitz made a pitch for going green. Fleetwood Gruvver wants Joomla themes. Tom makes a point about mobile websites. Christy Sales asks about “the long copy debate”. EPISODE RESOURCES Links to resources I mentioned in the show: Joomla themes by RocketTheme. WP Touch mobile theme. Responsive themes from Studiopress and Woothemes. SUBSCRIPTION LINKS If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679 Question for you: What's your favorite “quick product creation” method? What has worked for you? Comment below, or call in at (509) 713-2679