#005: 10 Steps To Turn Your Life Around In 30 Days Or Less [Podcast]
EPISODE OUTLINE Announcements If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. Plugs for audio shout-outs, either MP3 or call in at (509) 713-2679 Plugs for hosting accounts using this link. Free book promo for April; top 10 commentators Coming Web Class in setting up your platform Follow Ray on Twitter and friend Ray on Facebook This Week's Tip(s) Make your own apps with AppMakr and Appcelerator Spiritual Foundations God wants us blessed in order that we might be able to be a blessing. “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.” Genesis 12:2 Feature Story: 10 Steps To Turn Your Life Around In 30 Days Or Less Some basic foundations of self improvement and a couple of self improvement book recommendations. Write your own eulogy. Write down your goals (short, mid, and long-term). Do what you say you'll do Drink a gallon of water every day Exercise every day Eat only clean food Feed your mind Feed your spirit Guard your heart Live on testimony LISTENER QUESTIONS I answered questions from these listeners: Robert Plank – asked about making “scary topics” (such as selling via Webinars) appealing to regular folks. Marie McMichael – asked about legal disclaimers for your websites. Dana Beasley – had a comment to offer. Connie Ragen Green – asked about whether we still recommend using bullet points in sales copy. John Klein – wants to know how to track the source of links and leads from various sources for his music success workshop site. Christy Sales – slipped in a plug for her site. EPISODE RESOURCES Links to resources I mentioned in the show: Michael Hyatt's free life-planning ebook Joseph Prince's books Unmerited Favor and Destined to Reign Stephen R. Covey's book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Pre-written legal disclaimers from AutoWeblaw Eugene Schwarz's Breakthrough Advertising at Amazon, or from Agora Publishing. Link tracking via Google's free services, or from Linktrackr. SUBSCRIPTION LINKS If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679 Question for you: Have you ever made a big life-change? What worked for you? Comment below, or call in at (509) 713-2679