SLASHERS Pt9: A Nightmare On Elm St (1984)
One, two, Freddy's coming for you! This week, Mike is joined by critic James King to discuss that most 80s of teen slasher movies, A Nightmare On Elm Street. As well as taking a look at the movie in depth, James and Mike explore the 80s obsession with teen movies, the horror cinema of Wes Craven and the phenomenon of Freddy Krueger. Theme music by Jack Whitney. Jack can be found on twitter (jack_whitney). Get in touch! You can find us on twitter (@EvolutionPod), Facebook (@Evolutionofhoror) and you can email us on James King is a film critic, author, broadcast and journalist. He can be found on twitter (@JamesKingMovies). Mike is a TV a digital producer and podcaster. He can be found on Twitter (@TheMovieMike). A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) Wes Craven New Line Cinema