SLASHERS Pt 7: Friday the 13th (1980)
Chi chi chi ma ma ma... This week Mike is joined by Rob Watts to discuss the most beloved horror franchise of all time. As well as taking an in-depth, spoilerific review, the pair run through the ten sequels that follow and discuss some of the best and worst aspects of the Friday the 13th series. Theme music by Jack Whitney Don't forget you can find all our episodes on iTunes and most other Podcast Platforms (Libsyn, Stitcher, Sound Cloud). Find us on twitter: @EvolutionPod Rob Watts is a film blogger and writes for Outside Of A Dream You can find him on twitter (@RobWatts88) Mike Muncer is a podcast, producer and film journalist. You can find him on twitter (@TheMovieMike) and he does another podcast with Rhianna Dhillon called Back Row ( which is on Twitter (@BackRowFilms)