SLASHERS Pt 4: Black Christmas (1974) Feat. Mary Wild

This week Mike is joined by Rhianna Dhillon to explore two criminally underrated early 70s slasher movies...Black Christmas (1974) and Alice, Sweet Alice (1976). Both movies deal with teenage problems and adolescence discuss the awkwardness of puberty, sex education and bodily fluids. Mike also sits down with Freudian Cinephile Mary Wild who discusses horror cinema from a psycho-analytic perspective.  Music by Jack Whitney  Jack is a musician and sound engineer. He is on Twitter (@Jack_Whitney)  Rhianna Dhillon is a film critic, journalist, presenter and broadcaster. She hosts the Radio 4 Seriously podcast:( She can be found on Twitter (@RhiannaDhillon) and also presents Back Row Podcast with Mike ( Mary Wild is a psycho-analytic scholar and freudian cinephile. Mary runs a series of lectures and courses called Projections and has an upcoming 6 week course on Women in Horror Films at the Freud Museum. All details of the course can be found here: Mary is also on Twitter (@psycstar) and has a YouTube channel (  Thanks for listening, tune in next week for our Halloween special!  Alice, Sweet Alice (1976)  Dir: Alred Sole Courtesy of Harristown Funding  Black Christmas (1974)  Dir: Bob Clark  Courtesy of Film Funding Ltd of Canada / Vision IV / Canadian Film Development Corporation / Famous Players / August Films 

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