423 - Coin Concede "Frog Squad"
We're back from Thanksgiving break, and there's a ton of news to talk about, including balance changes, a new Battlegrounds season, and Twist's winter break update. Even with all that, we manage to find time to break down Reno Shaman, one of the hot new decks in the post-nerf meta.
News – 19:53
- Balance Changes
- New Battlegrounds Season
- Winter Veil
- Twist Winter Break Update
- Hearthstone 10th Anniversary crossover with WoW?
- Worst Card Ever Bracket
Tournaments – 1:05:53
- Worlds qualifiers
- Battle of the Discords coming soon
Decksplanations – 1:11:03
- Reno Shaman
- Why play it?
- General Gameplay
- Mulligans
- Matchups
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