Branding You
How do you brand your business so that you can be unique and different than everyone else? I love the topic of branding and specifically branding YOU. There are a lot of misconceptions about branding..that it has to be this perfect structure, that we have to know everything there is to know before we start. This is so far from the truth. My brand has evolved over the years into what it is today and that is completely expected! Branding is so much more than a color or an image. It's just not that simple. So, today, I am giving you all the details on branding and how you can brand YOU. In this episode you will learn: How my brand has changed over the years How to change your mindset and quit believing "It's all been done before" About defining your avatar to help define your brand The necessity of looking at other brands outside of your niche How to incorporate your brand in different areas associated with your business Links and resources mentioned in this episode: Rachel Hollis Amy Porterfield The SuperHero Teacher Lyndsey Kuster DOWNLOAD MY 10 STEP GUIDE TO SELLING YOUR TEACHING RESOURCES HERE! CEO TEACHER® RESOURCES: Check out my CEO Teacher® Amazon Books HERE! JOIN OUR COMMUNITIES: The CEO Teacher® Facebook Group Connect with Kayse on Instagram ENJOYING THE PODCAST? Tag me @kaysemorris on Instagram and tell me what you are listening to! SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW I don’t want you to miss a thing! Be the first to know when a new episode is available by subscribing in iTunes HERE! If you would like to support The CEO Teacher® podcast, a review would mean so much. By leaving a review, you are helping fellow CEO teachers find this podcast and start building a life they love. To leave a review in iTunes, click HERE and scroll down to Ratings and Reviews. Click “Write a Review” and share with me how this podcast is changing your business!