Entry 3: Should you Manufacture or Wholesale?
In Entry 3 of The Fashionpreneur Diaries, Jessica answers top Fashionpreneurship question: Should I manufacture or do wholesaling? She breaks down the pros and cons of each, while providing you with unbiased advice on which would work best for your business. Register for The Fashionpreneur Academy's FREE masterclass: How I made $100k in 90 days as a Designer happening this Wednesday at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern. Join her as she teaches you how she has scaled her businesses within fashion! Ads and technology are the driving forces within this industry. Join her as she shares real results and real numbers! For every $2k spent on marketing, she nets $40k. She will discuss REAL budgeting and fashion resources to grow your brand! Learn how she has been able to NET over $1M in sales all before age 30! She will discuss how she went from sewing in her mom's basement at age 16 to owning her very own design factory, 3 fashion brands a more. The ultimate goal is to focus on developing a REALISTIC plan of action that requires marketing and brand awareness! Meet her online for class Wednesday! Click HERE to reserve your spot. Want to get a peak into Jessica's diary in real time? Follow her on social media: @Irregular_jess