Kristen - Recovery Coach, Yoga Teacher, Recovered Anorexic
This episode features host Kristen Brunello and her story. Kristen talks about having anorexia in middle school, high school, and college. She discusses how internal pressure, dysfunction at home, and the death of her grandmother triggered her eating disorder, how she sought treatment, what her relapse was like, and finally how yoga and having a community helped her fully recover.
Questions answered:
Why do you share your story?
Does it get easier to share your story?
What are some things that you heard through treatment that really helped you?
How did you pay for treatment?
Do you have any advice for family members of someone in treatment?
What do you love about the way that you look?
Why is Recovery worth it?
References from this episode:
- Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund Commission:
Live Zoom Q&A Meeting Details:
- Saturday February 3, 1-2pm EST
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