They Asked, I Answered: Humboldt State University
THANK YOU to our interviewers and participants!
(in order or appearance)
Hannah Gregory
Genevieve Kjesbu
Teagan Bevins
Angie Young-Petrillo
Aluka Eddy
Preston Thibo
Lisa Heikka-Huber
Justice Reckis
Kalen Pehle
Katalina Prince
Winchi De Jesus
Wendy Truelove
Julia jencks
Justus Heffernan
And shout our to the students present for the interviews but chose not go on the air:
Derek Abarca
Nat Kubo
Juan Lopez
Tiffany Zuniga
Thank you Professor Emily Cobb and the HSU Art Department for sponsoring this Perceived Value Event.
Don't forget to Rate AND Review us on iTunes!
Want a chance on the mic? Visit our events page at to find out when Perceive Value Podcast will be in your area!
Instagram + Facebook: @perceivedvalue
Find your Host:
Instagram: @sarahrachelbrown
The music you hear on Perceived Value is by the Seattle group Song Sparrow Research.
All You Need to Know off of their album Sympathetic Buzz.
Find them on Spotify!