Show Up: JB Jones of NYCJW
JB Jones, Co-founder, NYC Jewelry Week
JB Jones began her career as a Design Director and Fashion Editor in Los Angeles, CA. In 2008, JB switched gears and launched The Site Unscene, a street art gallery and artists’ platform. She curated the first West Coast exhibition of the NYC based graffiti crew TC-5, which included the work of Doze Green and Lady Pink, and was a leader in helping to establish street art as a legitimate force in the LA gallery scene. Upon moving to NYC in 2014, JB returned to fashion in a retail development capacity with a focus on jewelry. She co-curated the first street art x art jewelry exhibition, PLACEMENT, with Bella Neyman. In 2017 the duo launched a digital contemporary jewelry platform of the same name designed to promote the concept of “wearing your art.” Her work has appeared in Harper’s Bazaar, WWD, Juxtapoz, Obey, Work magazine, and more. She currently resides in Manhattan.
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The music you hear on Perceived Value is by the Seattle group Song Sparrow Research.
All You Need to Know off of their album Sympathetic Buzz.
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