The Woman Behind the Blog: A Thousand Facets
In the seventh episode of Perceived Value host Sarah Rachel Brown sits down with the jewelry blogger A Thousand Facets. Sarah sits down with this social media maven to discuss how one becomes a jewelry blogger, if there is a paycheck involved, and the importance of saying please and thank-you. Since 2010, A Thousand Facets has showcased the work of over 1,400 jewelry designers from around the world. Its mission: to give small, independent designers in the different facets of jewelry design (contemporary, fine, artisan etc.) a platform to showcase their work. Most of these designers are one-person shops. There are many talented individuals who lack a budget for marketing, so I offer them a place to display their work at no cost. Building a bridge between the contemporary, fine, and artisan world is very important to A Thousand Facets. Each segment of the jewelry world is compartmentalized and designers don’t know about it each other’s work. There’s so much they can learn from each other while creating a thriving community. Blog: Facebook: Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest: @athousandfacets Perceived Value is recorded and produced by Sarah Rachel Brown. Facebook @perceivedvaluepodcast Instagram @perceivedvalue