The PANDEMIC Podcast with Judson - Episode 54 - New Orleans PART II
Judson is still in New Orleans. We flashback to Judson sitting with Tina outside the bar. They discuss about how people matter, but sometimes they don't. In other words, everyone matters, but in your life - maybe not. They discuss everything from the the transient life in New Orleans to the pandemic. Was New Orleans a hotspot? And what about George Floyd? Are there protests? The answer becomes clear when Judson ends up in a protest - sipping a gin and tonic and watching the crowd call for the destruction of the Hard Rock Cafe. The episode shows what a "peaceful protest" is like. This is New Orleans, Pandemic Podcast in the long summer of 2020. The soundtrack includes the the Judson original songs "Long Summer" and "Corona, Corona." The episode ends with Judson seeing a relevant set of bumper stickers in downtown New Orleans, one of which says "Pray more."