Volo's Waterdeep Enchiridion - Ch. 2 - "A Long History, In Brief"
(Part 1 available in “Ep. 5 - The Crown and the Flurry”)
Welcome to Waterdeep, our City of Splendors!
Tired of being stumped by your players on their way to a “Dragon Heist”? Wondering how to give yourself an “extra edge” negotiating your way into Blackstaff Tower? Trying to build a foundation for your new character’s emotionally intense roleplaying? Well, have I got a resource for you!
In this exciting new limited series, I, Volothamp Geddarm, invite you into the rich history of Waterdeep with a guided tour through the story of its founding, from its roots as an Elven Capital, to the towers of Mad Mages, to a war for its very soul.
“Volo’s Waterdeep Enchiridion: A Visitor’s Guide to the City of Splendors”, now available on the @abandpodquest feed, wherever you download podcasts.
Volo’s Waterdeep Enchiridion: A Visitor’s Guide to the City of Splendors is published by Tym Waterdeep Limited in association with the Fellowship of Innkeepers and the Fellowship of Carters and Coachmen.
**I, Volothamp Geddarm, verily attest to the veracity of the words spoken herein.
***Consider any antinomy, jactitation, mendacity, obloquy, pasquinade, parapraxis, traducement, or similar found in this document to be corrigendum, Address all claims of such to:
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Solicitor 17 Mulgomir's Way,
Castle Ward
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Volothamp Geddarm
Aelinthaldaar Coronal
Lord Ahghairon
Greynore Virtoris
Ancient Elves
Album Art
Music & Foley
Epidemic Sound
Dungeons & Dragons, Volothamp Geddarm, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, etc. are the intellectual property of @dndwizards, who we love.