episode 002//Damian Erskine
In this episodes, I interview the great bassist Damian Erskine and we talk about the current state of things post-COVID-19. We also talk about how he has chosen to adapt. He has played in the studio or on the stage with • Peter Erskine • Gino Vannelli • Vince Mendoza and the WDR Big Band • The Jaco Pastorius Big Band • Les McCann • Skerik Band • Jeff Lorber • The Buddy Rich Alumni All-Star Band • Bob Sheppard • John Beasley • George Colligan • Vardan Ovsepian • Antonio Hart • Charmaine Neville • and many others as well as being featured on the GospelChops.com "Shed Sessionz Vol. 1" DVD. Damian is an adjunct professor at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. In addition, he regularly teaches abroad with JEA (Jazz Education Abroad) in Shanghai, Bangkok, Cyprus and Beirut. Additionally, he has taught in the US at Gerald Veasley's Bass Bootcamp, the National Guitar Workshop and Berklee College of Music's Guitar Week. Damian is also a regular contributor to the popular bass education site, scottsbasslessons.com. Damian has written for Bass Player Magazine, Bass Musician Magazine, as well as continuing to maintain a popular weekly column at NoTreble.com. Damian has also authored two books, "Right Hand Drive” and “The Improvisor’s Path”.