S2 | Episode 11 | The Sound of Stories Featuring Sadia Sarmad Part 1
This week I bring to you the story of a friend and our friendship. Sadia and I became friends about 3 years back. It was our shared love for stories and storytelling that brought us together. As we embarked on a journey to bridge our countries through the sweet sound of stories, we invite you to know our story. Meet Sadia Sarmad, Founder of Suno Kahani Meri Zubani (https://www.facebook.com/skmzurdu/) an organisation that is working passionately towards promoting Urdu in Pakistan. In this episode of the podcast I strive to know more about Sadia and her life in Pakistan. She tells her story and shares deep insights into the storytelling world in Pakistan. As I listened to her I discovered that our worlds are more alike than we know, for example our quest to celebrate & protect our mother tongue. Sadia and I are curating #MeethiBoliyaan the first virtual Indo-Pak Storytelling Festival featuring storytellers from our countries. Join us next week as we tell you the story behind Meethi Boliyaan. #WhatsinYourStoryBag is a podcast dedicated to #personalnarratives documenting the stories of our lives and how they shape us. The current season is dedicated to our #covid19stories I am crowdsourcing stories archiving them so they live on in times to come! Listen in and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you. Please pass it on to someone you know who would like to listen to it. You can write in at contact@yourstorybag.com