S2 | Episode 10 | The Idea of Fear

In this week’s episode I leaf out a story from our last year’s holiday diary. A trip to Paris, and our climb up the iconic Eiffel Tower. Yes, we walked up the tower on foot. I was afraid and the steps weren’t easy. The climb went on to become an indelible story in my life! Why is it important? And why am I telling it now while documenting our #covid19stories? You have to listen to find out… #WhatsinYourStoryBag is a podcast dedicated to #personalnarratives documenting the stories of our lives and how they shape us. The current season is dedicated to our #covid19stories I am crowdsourcing stories archiving them so they live on in times to come! Listen in and share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you. Please pass it on to someone you know who would like to listen to it. You can write in at contact@yourstorybag.com

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