Episode #4 | Breaking Silos Stories | Ambi Parameswaran
#YourStoryBag is joining Bombay Chambers of Commerce as its Digital Storytelling Partner for its upcoming Communications Conclave called Breaking Silos. This one-day conclave will bring in industry leaders and business stakeholders to discuss the convergence of people, power and purpose in dynamic times.In today’s podcast Rituparna asks brand guru Ambi Parameswaran#WhatsinYourStoryBag For a man who has built some of India’s memorable brands Mr Parameswaran shares legendary stories about iconic brands. He talks about the importance of storytelling in brand building beyond advertising and how the#TataGroup story has led the way for corporate legacy through the last century. Ahead of the conclave Mr Parameswaran emphasises the role of leaders as storytellers particularly those who want to break silos within their organisation. The stories keep tumbling out as Mr Parameswaran also shares a real story from#Maruti and how the organisation broke silos successfully.Real Stories and Real Conversations - Stay tuned to our podcasts as we bring new stories and conversations in this series.To connect with Your Story Bag drop us a line at contact@yourstorybag.com