Ep 25: Puneeth on his book The Unsolved case of an Indian Woman
Hello and welcome to the fresh season of our podcast Galiyaara: Into the Alleyways. In this episode, we are in conversation with Puneeth JH, author of the book, The Unsolved case of an Indian Women. Link To the book: https://amzn.to/3dgzYE7 Meet Tandel, more precisely, Miss Tandel. A forty-year-old advocate, who fights corruption, solves crimes and stops women from harassment. “You are gonna die soon.” She received a threatening note. “There is no evidence, madam. I guess you are overthinking.” The Police officer had said. “You are hallucinating. You may be Paranoid.” The doctor added. Everyone thinks she was mad! She was not. Or was she? To know the truth, read her story— “The Unsolved Case Of An Indian Woman”, and explore a riot of perspectives Puneeth JH is an Indian author, residing in Europe, best known for his thriving novels “The Forbidden Quest of Mysore” and “Love, Lust, and Loyalty in a girl’s life.” His fiction titles revolve around condemning social prejudices and explore lucid genres of historical convictions, thriller reverie, and romance. Puneeth talks about his love of writing, how he developed, and when he started writing. He tells the importance of space/place in a story. How a city tells a story on its own. He felt that English writers of Indian origin are not doing justice with the Indian culture as they are not telling the stories about the city. He also gave advice on the basis of his personal experience that what it takes to be a writer. He said that until and unless a person is readding much he or she won’t be able to write much. Apart from writing, he is a doctoral researcher and presently pursuing his doctorate in the field of future adaptive multi-beam satellite communication systems. If you want to know more about Puneeth visit the website: https://www.puneethjh.com/