10: 010 - Brijesh Dalmia - Founder of Dalmia Wealth Pvt. Ltd,
“You should diversify your investment so that you are protected in case of any adverse circumstances, any adverse performance of those specific schemes in which you have invested. You reduce the risk of something going wrong...Mutual funds are underrated as far as diversification strategy is concerned because (when) you invest in one mutual fund scheme, you are automatically diversifying across (several) underlying securities held by that mutual fund scheme.” Brijesh Dalmia is a certified financial planner with over 3 decades of experience. He is the founder of Dalmia Wealth Pvt. Ltd, B2B digital platform Masterstroke and the Brijesh Dalmia Leadership Company. In this episode of The Moneywise Podcast, Brijesh talks about an important approach every investor needs to pay attention to - Portfolio Diversification. He explains the concept of diversification, dynamics of the main asset classes and the need for diversification to meet financial goals.