The Grace | Mahavatar Babaji | Awakening the Human Conscious | Knowledge of Siddhashram | Episode 6
The Grace - A Gift To The Mankind Trayambak Baba, Muni Maharaj ji, Babaji, and the Siddha gurus have always guided true seekers of realization, many of whom had taken to Sanyasa, some of whom had joined the Siddha tradition, and even the true seekers in the grihastha ashram i.e. living family life. The truth is eternal, and one has to become still and immersed, like an unflinching flame of lamp. Realization, oneness is the goal. This is just the beginning and we are only into the pre-preparatory stages as we are soon about to enter the preparation phase. Each step will be explained when we enter. The truth is very different, inexplicable, blissful and is meant to be experienced, it is very subtle and yet very vast. Our gratitude to you, to the divinity, for being here with your amazing beauty. Glories! Last but very loving, if this message is reaching you, it's because it was meant to reach you. "Aum Trayambako Babaji Gururmurtihi Devaya Namaha"You can also check out our following links on Youtube Channel SIDDHASHRAM