Kundalini Shakti | Truth about Inner Awakening | Mahavatar Babaji | Yog Vidya | Siddhashram Episode 5
KUNDALINI - The rising energyA film based on a true experiences of inner awakening and explained facts about Kundalini Shakti and its impact on human body as Kriya Kundalini awareness arises, ascends and expands & blossoms into higher awareness which leads healing, experiencing bliss, enhanced focus, great skill, a transformed you, a loving you. A certain kind of nectar and bliss is always around as the ascension is scaled. But this is just a start ........Human potential is infinite "Aum Trayambako Babaji Gururmurtihi Devaya Namaha"You can also check out our following links on Youtube.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR2GwFAvmHw