Follow the Flow of Consciousness Episode 1
Follow the Flow of Consciousness An Expression of your consciousness is true form of Asana, Mudra, Bandha, Kriya and Yoga. Here in this life changing podcast, you will get to learn and listen the very true meaning of real yoga. Based on experiences of an Himalayan Siddha ( A remote Meditator ), under the tutelage of most revered father " Shri Om Traymbak Mahavatar Babaji", here a true flow of consciousness explained. We need to learn a true form of meditation which leads our inner Chaitanya - the consciousness to perform natural flow that allows our body to perform various mudras, Bandhas, Kriyas and Asanas autonomously. Without referring any books or yoga school just following you inner chaitanya - The consciousness you will float in the elixir - the Amrita of your own existence. the time of great transition, Awakening of Human consciousness and realization of true self as "Who we are" is primarily mankind's only goal. @Siddhashram along with its wide range of Immortals, A Blissful commune of Rishi, Devas, Devis and Ascended Masters have arrived to help you in order to ascend & awaken human consciousness to the ultimate bliss and realizing the absolute truth within. Come, join the movement and get helped and support others for their upliftment too. Listen our Conscious Podcast "SIDDHASHRAM"INVITING ALL THE SEEKERS OF TRUTH.CALLING FROM HIMALAYA, A DEVINE LAND OF SIDDHASFor more details please, feel free to write us at